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Message: Can We Trust Dan Leckrone?

Re: Can We Trust Dan Leckrone? Heck No!! Split with TPL and

posted on Apr 06, 2009 07:10AM

wipe the slate clean. Sell them our(PTSC's) half of the MMP. If PTSC could get $40MM cash, it would almost be like $80MM by the time you figure legal expenses. (I really don't know the ratio between cash recieved for a license and the legal fees per license, but you get the point. (maybe lamberts can add his .02 cents on this)). Let ES fund TPL's purchase of the MMP with the monies he made off of his 'almost free shares'. I'm sure he could figure out a way to pillage TPL and make more money. (BTW, I don't blame ES. He's just in it for the money like everyone else).

$40MM cash infusion would immediately be reflected in the sp to the tune of .10 at cash per share alone excluding PE. We'd be done with TPL. We'll have funding to keep M&A moving forward. (We'd have cash to bribe a lobbyist for a Crossflo contract....kidding of coruse? not really). No more legal expenses over MMP. No more USPTO. No more wondering if we're funding TPL's other technology licensing programs under the guise of MMP licensing.

Let TPL go their way. Leckrone will have no more power/influence over PTSC or BoD. He can't run 'roughshod' over PTSC any longer. He'd probably sell his remaining shares of PTSC.

I'd like to see what RG would do with a $40MM windfall. I know it's not much, relatively speaking, but it gives us another start. Maybe PTSC BoD will have now learned a valuable lesson from their first handling of revenues of the MMP and with RG at the helm, things might be different this time around.

Just some thoughts,


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