Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: here you have it...

Re: here you have it...

posted on Apr 12, 2009 09:26AM

I can't believe that I"m agreeing with Borredo on something; but this article makes a lot of sense.

I'm not opposed to legal action; but I think a little thought needs to go into this. So before heading down the legal, (and expensive) path; I think we should become the equivalent of "hostile witnesses" to the management and BOD.

Being as we can't fire them, I think we should treat them like the bad employess that they appear to be. Instead of asking a few softball questions at a Q&A opportunity, I think all the shareholders should be calling and e-mailing PTSC every single day and demanding answers and accountability from our bad empolyees. We should ride them very hard, every single day! If they won't be forthcoming, honest, and good little employees, then we treat them accordingly.

Being patient, positive, and well meaning with good thoughts hasn't gotten us squat. These people answer to us!, (theoritically). They are doing a crap job! None of you would of kept on an hourly employee on for doing half as bad of a job as these people have been doing for us. The time for being nice is over. Make these people work for us, not themselves. Make them answer to us, instead of cutting us out of the loop. Make them make money for our investments, not their salaries for doing a CRAP JOB!

It's as simple as that. The management and the BOD our not our friends. They have proven that. Why you would continue to be patient, nice, and reward them with their outrageous salaries for the lack of results they produce for us is beyond me. And that's without even going into their total lack of forthrightness and looking out for YOU instead of themselves.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! Believe me, I feel like quite the fool at this point...

- 67GTO

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