Re: Patriot takes very seriously its requirements for full SEC compliance with respect to all matters of corporate governance and disclosure. In fact, Patriot has broadly pursued voluntary releases of information beyond the SEC requirements this past year. For example, the release of all my shareholder letters, the announcement of both the Iameter and Vigilys asset purchases and even the release of individual MMP license signings are not required disclosures under SEC regulations. Patriot, under the guidance of its SEC counsel, has taken all steps deemed appropriate to insure transparency with respect to its business activities.
The perception still remains, and is reflected by the SP, that there is not enough or the right type of transparancy being presented IMO.......And then clouding the future will be........
On May 1, the bank line of credit secured by Holocom and guaranteed by us will expire, and effective that date we will no longer be required to consolidate the results of Holocom. This will be apparent in our financial statements going forward with a decrease of revenues and expenses associated with Holocom will be visible when presenting our period over period results.