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Message: Comments regarding the '584 Patent's Amended Claim 29

Posted by Nathen Hale:

When I first commented about my pessimism on overcoming the Claim 29 rejection for the 584 patent, my comment was based upon reading the rejection notice and very quickly scanning a couple of the patents referenced.

After looking more carefully at the 4 patents, which are referenced in the rejection notice, I am not as pessimistic. In my opinion, the 4 referenced patents describe significantly different architectures, and are really not similar to the 584 processor architecture. I think that TPL should be able to discredit these 4 references.

I have not looked at the other 7 references, since they are not so easily retrieved. I wonder if they are equally as "irrelevant" to the 584?

Anyway, it seems to me that whoever did the USPTO review is not very technically competent if he cannot see how different the 4 referenced patents are to the 584 architecture.

Below are my notes:

584 Claim 29 Rejection Notes:

Pomerene (4,295,193) 1979

My Summary: This is a totally different “animal” for parallel processing. Many restrictions on the instruction groups to allow for such parallel processing.

From Patent:

Claim 1: 1.

A method of concurrently executing n instructions in parallel, where n is an integer >1, on different sets of data, said method comprising the steps of:

compiling said instructions into groups of n different instructions for storage in a memory device, with no more than a fixed number of data and instruction fetches, and a fixed number of store operations being permitted in a group, and any branch instruction always being the last instruction in the group;

storing one group at a time of said instructions in a first storage device;

storing different sets of data in a second storage device;

retrieving said one group of instructions from said first storage devices; and

executing in parallel each of the retrieved n instructions in said one group concurrently in n different execution devices, with each of said n instructions utilizing a different set of the stored data in said second storage device for purposes of instruction execution.


1. Technical Field

The invention is in the field of computing machines, and in particular is directed to instruction execution sequences. Specifically, the computing machine according to the present invention is directed to the concurrent execution of multiple instructions of a given type during a single machine cycle with each instruction utilizing a different set of data.


A computing machine which utilizes instructions that have been compiled into groups. A group consists of from one to n instructions, where n is an integer determined by the particular implementation of the machine. The integer four is utilized for purposes of the following description, however, it is to be understood that the group length can be less than four or greater than four. For a group of four, the group of instructions must conform to the following rules:

  1. The group shall consist of no more than four instructions.

    2. The group must not demand more than two fetches. Accordingly, this rule may limit the group to less than four instructions.

    3. Not more than one store operation is permitted in a group. Since a store operation requires a fetch, one of the fetches in rule 2 may be because of a store operation.

    4. If a branch instruction occurs, the branch instruction must always be at the end of a group. Thus, a group may consist of three instructions followed by a branch, two instructions followed by a branch, one instruction followed by a branch or the branch instruction alone.

    At the same time the compiler compiles the instructions into groups, it sorts each group in a separate memory word. Thus, if a memory word is completely filled up, it contains four instructions. However, the memory word can contain a group of three instructions followed by one blank instruction space, a group of two instructions followed by two blank instruction spaces or a group of one instruction followed by three blank instruction spaces.

    This grouping of instructions, which is performed by the compiler, is called a "multi-instruction word". This "multi-instruction word" has space for four instructions and they actually contain from one to four valid instructions. There is a "validity" bit associated with each instruction space in the "multi-instruction word". If this bit is set to ONE it indicates that the instruction is to be executed. If this bit is set to ZERO, it indicates that the instruction space is a blank and should be disregarded.

    The main purpose of the "multi-instruction word" is that there are many instructions which are called "type one" instructions. These types of instructions are instructions that can be executed in one machine cycle, and generally involve changes in the program status word, changes in the general purpose registers or a store operation, and many of these instructions can be executed in parallel.

    According to the present invention, method and apparatus is disclosed in providing execution of the "type one" instructions in parallel, thus increasing the speed of operation of a computing machine.

Sachs (4,933,835)

My Summary: Emphasis on Dual MMU’s (instruction cache MMU and data cache MMU).

Appears to be a 16-bit instruction (parcels?) processor, so 2 instructions are retrieved from cache at a time. They are placed into “open” holding parcel registers in a pipeline to be eventually executed from 16-bit instruction register. Instruction register holds one instruction.

The other references in the rejection allude to retrieving main memory into cache memory; NOT into the instruction register as “instruction groups.”

From Patent:

Instruction interface 1310 of processor 110 includes a multi-stage instruction bus 1311 which provides means for storing, in seriatim, a plurality of instruction parcels, one per stage. A cache advance signal ISEND is sent by the instruction interface as it has free space. This signals instruction cache-MMU 120 to provide an additional 32-bit word containing two 16-bit instruction parcels via instruction bus 121. This multi-stage instruction buffer increases the average instruction throughput rate.

Prefetch 2 instructions into holding registers.

In FIG. 3, prefetch buffer 1311 is shown in detail, comprising the four prefetch buffer register stages IH, IL, IA and IC. The IH register stage holds a 16-bit instruction parcel in register 1312 plus an additional bit of control information in register 1313, IHD, which bit is set to indicate whether IH currently contains a parcel. Each of the register stages is similarly equipped to contain an instruction parcel and an associated control bit. Buffer advance logic circuit 1314 administers the parcel and control bit contents of the four register stages. In response to the parcel advance control signal PADV from instruction decoder 103, buffer advance logic circuit 1314 gates the next available instruction parcel into instruction register 102 through multiplexor 1315, and marks empty the control bit associated with the register stage from which the parcel was obtained. In response to the control bits of the four stages, circuit 1314 advances the parcels to fill empty register stages. As space becomes available for new instruction parcels from the instruction cache-MMU, cache advance logic circuit 1316 responds to the control bits to issue the ISEND signal on instruction bus 121. Instruction cache-MMU responds with a 32-bit word containing two parcels. The high order parcel is received in IH, and the low order parcel in IL through multiplexor 1319.

Prefetch from Cache

An example of different operations by the two types of cache-MMUs is in instruction prefetch. When enabled, the instruction cache-MMU will prefetch the four instruction words that follow the current instruction address. This reduces system response time for strings of sequential instructions. Prefetch stragety is not as successful in reducing access delays for data, so no prefetch is done in the data cache-MMU.

Oklobdzija (4,714,994) 1985

My Summary:

Patent for Instruction Prefetch Buffer (IFB). Instructions (“macro instructions”) can be 16-bit or 32-bit, which come from the RAM into the IFB. 32 bits are retrieved from RAM simultaneously, so up to 2 instructions are fetched from RAM into IFB at a time. 8-bit opcodes of these “macro instructions” are used to access appropriate 32-bit microinstruction (this is a microprogrammed processor architecture), which is then loaded into the Instruction Register (IR).

This is really not the same as PTSC architecture, which can load up to 4 instructions directly into the IR. IFB is an instruction cache for the “macro instructions.” These “macro instructions” are not loaded directly into IR.

From Patent:

Explaining in greater detail, in a preferred embodiment, the IPB array 10 is connected to a 32-bit wide processor bus 12 over which instructions are supplied to the IPB array 10 from a random access memory (RAM), not shown. In the drawing, the thirty-two lines of the bus 12 are indicated with a slash and the numeral "32" adjacent, and this convention is used throughout the various figures. Instructions are written into the IPB array 10 under the control of the IPB control 20 by means of a 4-bit write pointer, and instructions are read out of the IPB array 10 also under the control of the IPB control 20 by means of 5-bit read pointer. The 32 bits which are read out of the IPB array 10 include 8 bits of operation (OP) code, the remaining 24 bits comprising branch instruction (BI) and jump instruction (JI) fields. The 8-bit OP code is supplied to a microinstruction read only memory (ROM) 301. This 8-bit OP code serves as an address to select a 32-bit microinstruction which is transmitted to the CPU. This is conventional and well understood in the art. The 8-bit OP code is also supplied to an instruction length decoder 303, the output of which is supplied to both the CPU and the IPB control 20. As will be explained is more detail, the IPB array 10 is capable of handling variable length instructions, 16-bits or 32-bits in the preferred embodiment. Thus, it is necessary to provide an instruction length decoder 303 to recognize the length of the instruction which has been read out of the IPB array 10. Also, the 24-bit portion of the 32 bits read out of the IPB array 10 which comprises the BI and JI fields is supplied to both the CPU and the IPB control 20. The 32-bit instruction address from tne instruction address register (IAR) 305 is supplied to both the CPU and the IPB control 20. Thus, the IPB control 20 receives as inputs 24 bits from the 32 bits read out of the IPB array 10, the decoded instruction length and the instruction address. From this information, the IPB control 20 generates the 4-bit write and the 5 bit read pointers.

Zolnowsky (4,566,063) 1983

My Summary: Very similar to Motorola MC68000 architecture. This is a pipelined Microprogrammed architecture. Multiple instructions (macroinstructions) are NOT loaded in to the Instruction Register (IR) simultaneously. The reference to a microloop in the rejection is very flawed. This patent refers to looping within instructions in the pipeline (where pipeline contents can be modified in certain cases to take advantage of very short loops), not looping within instructions inside the IR (like PTSC’s processor).

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