Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Action today was odd...


The markets "hold" a position because one side of the transaction has to happen first. ( a buy or sell)...

OK. look at the statements you wrote:

"As far as the spread…

If noticed @ the end of a run-up they will bring the ask up to BID so they are able to sell shares they have for the maximum price…"

---This statement is incorrect. The MMs "buy" shares on the BID they do not sell shares on the bid. Joe Trader sells his shares at the bid - the MM takes these shares and fills them at the ask. The MM "sells" shares at the ASK.

? "bring the ask up to Bid?" --????? explain this......... Bid is lower than ask.

When the same MM is on the bid and ask. They make the money on the spread...there is no need to take position on a stock....regardless if the stock is .13/.14 or .16/.17 the MM that is on the bid and ask will make the same amount of money on the spread. MM takes zero risk and make $$$$ just working the spread.

Now if the MM is moving the bid/ask around and playing with the spread........ other MMs will join in... why? Because they are not going to sit and watch some other MM make $$$$$ on the spread.... they will get in on the action..causing the spread to narrow.

The AX on the PTSC stock - is NITE. They tend to take the most control over the action on the stock. Some MMs will trade along side NITE... others may try to play against NITE.

The HIGHER the spread --- means the bigger the risk exists for anyone to hold a position on a stock. The lower the spread means that there is enough liquidity and volume to ensure that anyone can come in and out....

MMs have high spreads on low volume stocks--- because they DONT want to be caught in position of having to fill an order and do to the low volume of trading.. they need to make more $$ per trade than higher traded stocks.

Also keep in mind that some investors make MARKET ORDER trades on stock. This is a MM dream order...... because he can play with the bid/ask to fill in this order.....this is another reason why ASK could move up quickly and then drop back down again...

"The other item is their would have to be is some type of understanding between the MM’s… (I am not talking about the individual stock holder who want to buy).. Have you ever watched L2 and BIDs & ASK go off and on or appear and disappear… have you seen trades that sit…. sit

Bids & Ask that go on and off --- are for many reasons......all the time.. thats common... ( its like customers that go into a store...see a long line and then leave.....maybe they come back in 10 minutes or dont come back at all....)

1. Joe Regular come in with orders to buy or sell ----- and changes his mind..pulling the order

2. An MM is trying to disguise what they are trying to do on a stock.... MM trying to push up a bid... or pull down the ask.

What do you mean trades that sit???? You mean 10-30 minutes go and no transactions?? Can mean that an order is being worked on... no buys or sells/period.

"Remenber when someone buys a seller may or may not be their… the seller could also be an MM..(naked short… I believe the FTD list gets populate on 7 day late.. So MM’s have 4 days to no cover a postion)

If a single MM is the only market maker and he owns shares which direction is going to want it to go???? If a Market maker is short shares which way is going to want ti to go…..

"How many times have we seen head fakes… 2 or three cent run-ups… then back down…"

--Very simple explainations ----- as the BID goes up... more sellers come to the table as bigger "profits" exist... as the ASK goes up.. less buyers willing to buy at higher prices..higher costs.

-- When buyers exceed sellers... the SP stays up.......period.

Market Makers may take positions based on the actual or short -term analysis of a stock. No market maker is going to to hold shares for several days hoping for the stock to go up... or the stock to go down.... they are not in the business of long term position holding. Its way tooo big a risk to take.........

Alot of people complain about Market Makers doing naked shorts-- etc? wouldnt the Market maker make the same money just by manipulating the SP to go up???

The shortsqueeze link ---- um 14,000 shares are suppose to be short --- what value is that? $1800 ?? look out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! short squeezee!!!!!! lol

Regarding the after - hours trade.... again.. good luck with that.... buy some stocks tonight at 11pm and let me know how it goes.....

Good luck my friend!!!

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