Re: Lamberts.. Your closing statement to Opty deserves repeating
posted on Jun 30, 09 02:19PM
... "The only issue is, are PTSC Management and BOD fulfilling their fiduciary responsiblity to the shareholders of the company? By you post, you cleary have suspicions they haven't or are not
Main Entry:
1der·e·lict Pronunciation:
\ˈder-ə-ˌlikt, ˈde-rə-\ Function:
adjective Etymology:Latin
derelictus, past participle of
derelinquere to abandon, from
de- +
relinquere to leave — more at
1: abandoned especially by the owner or occupant ; also : run-down
As you were so kind as to repost the "closing statement" I believed that you were also questioning the fulfillment of the BoD's fiduciary responsibility.
Please accept my unreserved apoplogies if this was not the case and be content in the knowledge that I also believe that the BoD have in fact fulfilled that responsibility.
Be well