Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: PDSG

Re: Military book../Biajj

posted on Jul 25, 2009 08:41PM

Maybe we do understand that the board of directors arn't the best, but we accept the fact that in the real world we have very little influence over the BOD and realisticlly will not be able to influence change. Maybe some day you'll understand this as difficult as it is for you to accept.

The BOD did bring in RG and he has tried to build a new company around the aquisitions so it would appear that they have at least tried to do somthing right. They don't seem to be getting in the way of what RG wants to do. Are you blaming RG for the continued decline of the PPS as well as the BOD as he has failed to generate any revenues yet from PDSG? Are you comfortable with RG as CEO and his visions for the future of the company with the PDSG products? Also do you think RG has made good decions and is capable of building PTSC into a real company in spite of the BOD? If the answer to those questions is yes then can you show me with facts what the BOD has done recently to hamper the ability of RG to carry out his plans?

Your quick to point to the PPS and blame the BOD for it's downfall, yet you say very little about the biggest causes of the decline which was Swartz selling and the USPTO reexamination process, both of which the BOD has or had very little control over but have had significant impact on the decline of the PPS. These are facts that I choose not to ignore, that do point to the downfall of the PPS and are the very reason we trade at .11. A reasonable person can't look at where we're at and point all the blame at the BOD. Some day you may understand that some of us are still here because we still believe that the success of PTSC and our investment is dependent on two very important issues. They are revalidation of the patents (mainly the 336) and sales of the PDSG products. The role the BOD will play is minimal in my view at this point in time. Would it be nice if RG was on the BOD and we had some better qualified people in those three seats? Absolutely and perhaps when/if the main issues fall in place this will eventually happen. You can call me naive, or a company lover or whatever else you think you know about me. Am I an ostrich bwith blind faith that it will happen? No, I've got my eyes open. But until the fat lady sings I'm staying right here and remaining positive in my views of the direction the company is trying to go in and the possibilities of successfully clearing the patents from the USPTO both of which are still very real possibilities and at these prices remain the reasons I'm continuing to hold on as I do not want to take a huge loss. Do I recognize that there is huge risks? Yes, this is a penny stock trying to make somthing of itself. I may lose my entire investment and that is a choice I made.

I respect your opinion and your views, but your not being honest when you point all the blame on the BOD.

Perhaps now you can respect my views and others here that still have a positive outlook on our investment for the very reasons I have described above. We are not defending the BOD as we would also like the best possible people in those seats, but in reality they are what we're stuck with, like it or not and I just don't think that bashing the BOD day after day on this forum is accomplishing what you expect to accomplish. Maybe you'll get this now as you seem like an intelligent guy.

We're all here because we want the same thing. There are no sides. We all want the PPS to rise and PTSC to build into a NASDAQ type company. I've been invested since 2001. Many here have been invested even longer. It's been painful living with the reality of where we peaked and where we're at now. But the game isn't over yet and this story continues to unfold.

If by putting fellow long time investors down and dividing this forum is accomplishing your objective to rally support for some type of cue on the BOD then I think your going about it wrong. I'll support any constructive plan that you can come up with that will change the BOD, but lets not try to accomplish this by attacking each other here. So what do you want to do? Communication is the big key. Your articulate and have the knowhow and seem to want to lead this thing so what's the plan? Please lay it out for us so we can better understand where you want to go with this. Otherwise I say save the bitching for the people you want to bitch at in the next web conference or the shareholders meeting or a letter to the company because it is doing nothing for the PPS is it?

All the best,


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