Wireless industry wants in on health care stimulus money
For example, $19 billion is being allocated to help doctors, hospitals, and other medical agencies convert from paper to electronic medical records. While electronic medical records themselves have nothing to do with wireless technology, Jones said that wireless devices that gather information that feeds into these medical records via a wireless network make the actual electronic record more valuable.
Roughly another $20 billion would be used as a down payment on Obama’s $50 billion campaign promise to update the nation’s antiquated health care delivery system. The streamlining effort is aimed at improving quality and saving money and could include digitizing patients’ medical records and pushing doctors to use e-prescribing.
Employment in these areas will likely come online sooner than jobs created in the strategic sectors. “Because it takes time to carry out new spending programs authorized by legislation, we expect the jobs created by spending on infrastructure, education, health and energy to be concentrated in 2010 and 2011” rather than this year, the administration report notes.