Thanks for your input. I agree, if they receive these large salaries there certainly must be justification, and indeed an accounting of that justification is not an unreasonable request. if they don't want to present an accounting then that in and of itself is troubling. It really would be little difference than a deposit holder going into a bank and presenting a note for large summs of money that they do not posses. It's called robbery.
I find all these BOD issues tiring, but at the same time some, as in this case, are justified.
What concerns me is why we have a working board when PTSC has so little to do. TPL handles litigation and crossflo employees handle the issues involved with their unit. What does our board do other than ask Baroni to do an analysis? Perhaps duriing our aquisition period they did research and possibly negoiations but that has been over for a while. Not much to do other than man the FAX machines and pay the bills I would guess.