"Because the smart money isn't going to come until there is a reason. "
It strikes me as quite odd that you think that with over $105M in NET income from PDS, and an after tax revenue of over $70M and over 3 years to work with, that you don't hold our BOD and Management to the standard of BY NOW having created a reason for new investors to invest in PTSC, even if independent of the MMP. Essentially, you're of the position that them having put all eggs in the MMP basket, yet removing themselves from essentially any control of that asset is acceptable.
Yet, you expect that a group of directors and managers that have that track record, and that have given up that control, will somehow see a huge turnaround because of a recertification of patents that as we've been told over and over here, CONTINUE to be VALID, despite any USPTO proceedings.
Interesting view to say the least.