9 September Wednesday morning
Last night I was sitting in the spa watching sunset fade, when what to my wondering eyes should appear but the International Space Station. Cruising from southwest to northeast. When it emerged from behind a tree, I saw Discovery preceeding it by 5 degrees. NASA had mentioned on TV that they would cross California, and that meant they'd cross Tahoe. First time I've seen the Station. It was easily the brightest object in the sky, tho I had only Vega for comparison. You don't have to look for it, you can't miss it.
Dean and Charlie are visiting. One goal is to port some host functions to chip 00 of Haypress Creek. This will allow booting from Flash. A step on the way to colorForth.
I dusted off the Subaru, for I'm off at dawn tomorrow to visit Eric and Candice. A chance to experience summer in central California. Be back for a picnic at the cabin on Sunday.