Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Over the weekend

Over the weekend

posted on Oct 12, 2009 12:59PM

Over the weekend, I made comment towards some name calling. It is important to me that our board remain clear of school yard taunting and bullying. Agora's number 2 rule addresses that with:

2. DEROGATORY COMMENTS TOWARDS OTHERS - Calling another member an idiot, clown, stupid, dumb, moron or ##x%x# for brains is strictly prohibited.

Yet when I posted this concern, people on the board lowered my 'rating'. Voicing a concern against the popular players gets you a slap? This board is important to me as an exchange of ideas, hotly debated at times, emotionally charged at times, but important to put personalities aside and treat each other with same basic level of respect. Obviously some have earned higher levels of respect due to their hard work, contributions, etc but all should get something like basic human rights?

So when someone is picking on someone else and you speak out that they should stop, the price of speaking out is to get your membership rating lowered? Kind of makes this look more like a club where you have to go along with the popular guys. Takes away some of the potential for what we could be on this board.


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