You represent yourself. It is your (my) dime on the line. No matter what happens (short of criminal action) you have the ulitimate decision and ultimate responsibilty to buy and sell. Individual (especially OTC market) stocks are not team sports, that is what mutual funds and stock clubs are for. The chances of lightning striking twice with one OTC stock are miniscule. Lightning already struck PTSC in 2006. You will be able to vote your shares on any proxy put forward by the company. But, as all SHOULD know, it is stacked against retail in voting situations. There is a reason PTSC is a penny stock on the OTC market and akin to gambling. Any money here should (IMO) be considered at the same risk of loss as if you were at the casino. Maybe even lotto would be a better comparision as you can get close to a 50/50 at the casino. The odds here are stacked way against retail, no matter what you THINK you own.
The best anyone can do is try and make some money along the way....and pay your taxes on it.
Good luck
(I) C. W.