Are we getting a little bored with this board today?
posted on
Dec 05, 2009 07:39PM
For me, our discussions can be thought provoking, exasperating, senseless, boring and perhaps at times seem even useless.I suggest a glass of wine/beer, for some, as an alternative to posting and/or reading every point/counterpoint. I appreciate everyone for their participation and as long as I remain with too much time on my hands, I will read every post (ok maybe skim over is more like it) and continue to add my two cents worth when I feel I have something of value to offer. The bottom line for me (and my hubby), at this point in life, is more money in our accounts from the sale of our PTSC stock. Filthy stinking rich would be nice, I have to admit. However, not ever having to work or worry about providing the basic necessities as we get older, would be a blessing. Along those same lines, just waking up every day with or without having made money from this stock is the best blessing ever.Ok….back to greed.
So the really big questions for me are what needs to happen, do we have the right people and products in place to make it happen and most of all, when will it happen? We know what we own in terms of money already collected and a good idea as to the potential of the MMP portfolio.That revenue stream, whatever it may prove to be, does come to an end eventually, right? Is it six years from when the patents expire? Then what?
So much seems to be riding on Greg Baroni for the moment. Will the company emerge with a new and more focused direction and as a result of this will we see new BoD members with that vision and commitment to succeed? Will that direction be within the public sector, and will we finally get a CEO who will have the skill sets and contacts to finally make things happen?
If there was a board meeting with Baroni this week, wish I could have been a fly on the wall.
I am not able to attend the ASHM, however, I do hope that some of you will be going. So far, I have had one maybe and the rest are no go. Then again, not very many have responded to my request for a show of hands.
(as always, I welcome corrections to content, spelling, grammar….never stop learning)