Here are the 3 patents issued under the VNS (Intellasys) portfolio
7528756, 7532139, 7617383. Issue dates are May 5, May 12, and Nov 11, 2009.
So it would appear that TPL might be in a position to play some new games along the lines of what they did with the coreflash portfolio? Sure hope I'm wrong on that score. But it is becoming obvious that to have a trusting relatiionship with TPL, it is imperative that PTSC and TPL at least share all patent licensing.
And this VNS portfollio opens up the question of why no takers if TPL was for sale? Moore had said TPL = Leckrone and nothing more. Or something to that end. So were Moore's comments untrue??????
The PTSC saga is like one of the better Colombo or Charlie Chan who-done-its.