Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Lack of news

Unlikely as it may be, there may actually be a prospective investor out there who just happened upon this board and read that post. Again, far more likely than a BoD member, or Santa.

And maybe it's time for a reality check, because when people start really firing away at the BoD, they IMO have lost touch. Blasting away at the company, it's BoD and it's management - regardless of the reality of their performance or lack thereof - is nothing short of bashing. I too have problems with this BoD, their performance, their ability, and their compensation. Do you ever see me harping on it? It is a problem for which there is no realistic solution. Thus the harping = bashing. Because the only solution from the investor perspective is to sell if you hold, and not invest if you were considering it, period. That's reality.

Now let's take a walk a little further into the land of reality. Did you (anyone?) invest in this company for what you thought the BoD was going to do for you? Did you invest purely because of what the future might hold for PDSG? Bottom line - did you invest in what you thought PTSC, the company, was going to do?

I strongly suspect that you, like me and probably EVERYONE else, invested in PTSC because they will receive roughly half the royalties off the MMP. That's it. That's Reality.

Does the BoD, management, PTSC the company, have ANY influence on securing royalties off the MMP? Do they have any influence on what happens at the PTO? Answers: No and No. Reality.

Rarely do I see posts directing ire at TPL or the PTO. Frustration, yes. But such ire, relentlessly?

It seems people have no problem dealing with the frustrations associated with TPL - they recognize and have come to grips with the reality that there is little to nothing that can be done. That's Reality.

Likewise the PTO, which with their fumbling and extreme time consumption has hurt this investment far more than anything else over the past few years. But, aside from some expressions of frustration, people are able to cope. Nothing can really be done. And that again is Reality.

Now recognizing why, in reality, you invested in PTSC, right now, in sequence, who should you be pissed at?

!. USPTO (and the folks who requested re-exams).

2. TPL (for not securing more licenses for more money).

LAST. The PTSC BoD for handling the money received rather poorly (we think, because PDSG is a TBD).

Three areas of frustration which are ripe for expression of ire. Three things where there is virtually nothing we can do about. Reality.

And now for the final Reality: Of these things available to complain about on a message board for investors and prospective investors in PTSC, which could you complain about that would have the greatest likelihood of affecting people's perception of PTSC as an investment? The BoD, the one entity having by far, in reality, the least influence on the essence of PTSC as an investment. Reality. Nobody invested in PTSC for the BoD or the Company. They invested in the MMP.

But that gets lost in the complaining about the BoD.

JMHOs, and novel for the day.


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