Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: What a rollercoaster ----- up .0001 then down .0001 wheeeeeee, whooaaaaaa,

What a rollercoaster ----- up .0001 then down .0001 wheeeeeee, whooaaaaaa,

posted on Jan 27, 2010 12:59PM

This far along into the licensing endeavors, I never would have thunk we would be sitting here discussing stuff that is being discussed. yech.

With the tax season upon us, I wonder if Gloria will have much time to give towards her PTSC responsibilities (I assume they are great due to her 6 figure income) but as a CPA running her own office, I am sure she has clients she must take care of.

No answer from either of the Leckrones about staffing and the wave of licensing that was alluded to a few months back.

Even wrote to CM, but again, no reply.

Still hoping for some really really positive uplifting news and plans.

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