Opty....what the heck are you saying? The current BOD has performed badly. Every decision they made has resulted in a net loss. They are not qualified...yet you dont want a change in BOD because a new BOD might try to grow the company???? The attempt to grow the company is not the problem....the people in charge of the signing off on the acquisitions were not capable or just flat out blew it. This is not grade school were you get to do a "do over". They did not make decisions that enhanced PTSC....their decisions damaged the company. They should step down or in a company that is not built to be a shell they should be fired. Make no bones about it....the day the BOD released all employees and canned all new R&D they adopted a shell mentality of "just living off the MMP". And they actually managed to "kill the golden goose".
i am amazed the share price has held up above a dime.