Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Chi Town 7 - morning review

Chi Town 7 - morning review

posted on Jan 29, 2010 01:35PM

I had a quick meeting this morning with my group that attended the meeting last night . I was hoping on sticking around talk to a few of the other share holders but do to the length of the meeting my friends and I needed to get home . I do believe that most of you are in tune with were we are and have a pretty good handle on your company . Here are some of the Opinions and concerns moving forward.

1. We all agreed the patents have a great deal of value moving forward and the process of re-exams and clarifications elminates the process of re-exams and clarifications. I other words that question has been ask no need review again . We really did not have a strong opinion on how well is TPL performing, all we could come up with is that we do have signings and they have collected money. We were wondering why lecky continued to pump the BOD through the meeting . He has stated several times what a great job they were doing.

2. Moving on to the board. In order for us to get to the next level the board would have to make the right moves with the money collected, intead they have made all of the wrong moves. Balance sheet and share price provides proof. If the share price were at a dollar then 5 boards members 100 k a peice would be somewhat justified. Our impression is that BOD did not want to be there , as some of you know 2 of them had a plane to catch and left the meeting 1/2 through.The body langauge , presentation and tone was more of thank God this is only once a year . That is simply our opinion, which is the main reason we battled the cold to attend.

3. The future , 6 of us remain share holders for a very simple reason. We do fill that money will continue to come from the patents. We do not want the BOD to make the call on were to put the money. They had there shot and have proven not to be the answer. As you know this is not personal simply business. It looks like we are going need some time to re load the troffers with some cash from future signings, how long will that take who knows.

4. What to do with the money when it starts coming in again ? This is my personel dart from the back row . Why not just collect shares form the compaines that infringe. You can pay 2 million cash or 2.5 in stock or a combo of both . I would have no problem owning a small postion in the 70 companies that have paid . In the end our portfolio turns into a portfolio of a very diversifed companies in all sectors. I know that sounds kind of simple but I would rather have reinvested the money in proven companies . As I have said it is just a dart .

hope that helps, thanks for all of the info many provided over the years .

Jan 29, 2010 02:08PM

Jan 29, 2010 02:31PM
Jan 29, 2010 04:28PM
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