Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: When is Holocom getting it's requested money?

SHM review

posted on Feb 02, 2010 08:15AM

I attended the meeting in chilly Chicago and agree with the Stormkings recollection of the meeting. I do have some information that may fill in some areas that I thought were of importance to me.

My sense of the TPL presentation is that they have devoted a number of resources to the support of litigation, re-exams, and licenses. Their discipline in retaining the needed funds to continue the course appears to be as short sighted as PTSC's. I asked the question to Mac and Dan about the use of the 950K the PTSC loaned them. The response was that the money was to be used for the MMP license, re-exam and litigation purpose. I did not hear that these funds were any part of a settlement or payoff of Moore, as some here on this site have opined. I then asked a follow-up as to the financial viability of TPL to continue to pursue the MMP on all fronts. The answer was that they believed that they had the financial ability to continue. Staying with this issue, I questioned the Board as to what they were told by TPL of how the proceeds of the funds would be used. They agreed that they were told that it would be used for TPL MMP activities. Gloria chimed in that she had looked at the books and felt that the loan would be secured and that TPL was in a sound financial position. I felt that this was somewhat strange that PTSC would look at the books for a loan that was secured with license proceeds that come due in six months. I put the info in the bank, so to speak.

I continued to question the Board along the same lines as TPL. Was the Board concerned that TPL was not financially sound and could not continue to pursue the MMP on all fronts. CJ said that from what he has seen at TPL, that they are financially viable. Gloria concurred. I put this information in the bank.

I asked Larry if after the re-exam, did the time frame for infringement change. He said for the 584 it did and for the 336 it has not. I did not pursue a further question in this area.

I asked about the time frame for a CEO. The answer I did not understand. Something about 90-120 day time frame. They looked at the guy from CDX. I must say I was stumped and didn't pursue this line. Eclat is tasked with search.

The last line of questions had to do with the audits of TPL expenses that are paid by PDS. Gloria and CJ say they review the "150 pages thick" documents submitted to support the charges. I asked if discrepencies have ever been found. Gloria said there have been mistakes found and that they had been addressed.

Now with the TPL and Board answers to my questions I asked why did we loan 950K to TPL for expenses that would be shared if the efforts were on behalf of the MMP. The stumbling that went on was laughable. Gloria summed it up like this "TPL does a lion share of the work" that, get this, they don't get reimbursed for. Well to me that doesn't sound like Dan at TPL.

With all this being asked and said, my take for all the answers was that there appears to be, and this my opinion, something in the pipeline that no one talked about but all seemed to know. As I say just my take from being there and asking the questions and view the responses from the parties.

Some other observation:

Armed security guards (4). One was Howard the retread SDPD they had in Cali. Flew in security. I thought we were running short of cash.

Eric was there. Didn't say anything, although CJ did make reference to him during the meeting.

Flowers was contrite. Board sober, except for fat boy that brought up again under a question from Caplan, that he paid 130K in taxes for his stock options. New guy appeared clueless.

CDX good idea and concept, small player no name little market. Flowers says issues with PDSG are need multi year committment, cash support, State and Local cut backs, adverse risk to buyers (didn't understand this one), market sector problems. My gut says game over.

Holocom pres. gets up says I have personally guaranteed loans to keep company running. One client. Practically begging for money from PTSC. Flowers tell him "we'll talk". My gut says if your making money why borrow unless expanding. I didn't hear that. This to me was a big no.

Board said reducing Board salaries is very much on the table. M&A on hold, dividends, dilution reduction and the one I did not see on this board was reverse split to get on a different exchange. Flowers said there were some things he liked and some he did not like about this idea. Lastly develop alternative in conjuction with a new CEO.

Now knowing that one gets more information after the meeting than during the meeting, who should seek me out but DL. I told him we had met many time at other PTSC SHM. He forgot, how disappointing. He thanked me for my questions about TPL. I told him that I disagree with his strategy on the MMP. We agreed to disagree. I put my hands on both his shoulders and told him "your running out of money". I said I have concerns about TPL going forward. He said it is unprecendented that a patent would garner 260M. I told him that was great but I was concerned for the future. I told him I was concerned if "we'll" make it. He said we will and that I would be pleased. For what it's worth. Not a DL fan. Don't think many are that frank with him. Don't trust him at all. At least I had my say.

Cornered the Doctor with some other fellows. Told him the one of the many problems with PTSC is that no one tells you anything. I brought up the situation in Texas. I told him that was a total waste and that it was a defeat in manys eyes. He said something and for the life of me I can't recall the exact words but it led me to believe there is something more from Texas. That was my take. Who knows.

From my seat this is how I saw the action at the SHM. I believe that this Company is going to make me money. I don't think it's to far down the road either. We will see. Brownies were good. Sorry for any mis-spellings or typing errors.

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