BOD messed up the last few years in points of Investing money. I would say everybody agrees on that one, even the BOD itself.
This being said everybody should also be fully aware that mulitplying money by investing in venture or start up companies isnt an easy thing to do. Especially not when the economy crashes. We been there, done that, bought a T-Shirt.
Get over it!!!
The rest of our miseably situation is pretty much based on the MMP and the lack of companies being willing to pay for a license. That is not the fault of the BOD, it is the overall situation.
So give them a break. They want 120 days, thats what they should get. BOD knows they are under observation by shareholders. I still belive in MMP.
Everything is being said.
Lets quit the BOD blabla and pick it up in 119 days from today and let BOD repair the situation. After reading the email of Gloria I strongly believe that BOD wants the turnaround. They owe it to us - the shareholders!