Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: A Case for Dividends

A Case for Dividends

posted on Feb 23, 2010 09:57AM

With a distinct possibility of near term success with the portfolio, the question exists as to what to with the revenue collected.

Recently, several people have mentioned stock repurchase as a method of increasing stock price and a commesurate increase in EPS. Others have mentioned building up reserves. Few have mentioned putting the money into PDSG, because of the way we have been burned and what appears to be the futility of turning it into a meaningful enterprise.

I think these areas are, if carefully measured out, are or better yet could be good uses of funds expended. Only Cliff Flowers can truly make this determination since he has the full spectrum of information sitting in front of him. We can only hope that the quarter to a half million we are paying him is resulting in something good for a shareholder.

I previously have been opposed to dividend distribution as a waste of limited company funds that could be better used for the 3 areas described above, especially for use with the umbrella (PDSG) development. Obviously, I was wrong. Rick Goerner and company could not deliver and our funding enriched other peoples pockets and left the shareholder holding a bag of crap when it should have been a bag of gold. Lamberts could display the losses that have occured and we can only hope that there is not underhanded actions going on with PDS that is further deteriorating the value of our company. People like Mr Caplan, a shareholder who appears to valiantly attempt to protect the shareholder, have pointed out in detail, how we have been screwed by management, never mind the BOD.

Recently I have read here about Swartz and the Informer? stated that his greed was a nail in the coffin of PTSC which we have written ad nausium on this board. I would agree with this at first blush now and have vehemently cursed Mr Swartz for screwing up our company with his warrant fiasco(and creation of a trust fund for the next 30 generations of Swartz's) that made him the greatest beneficiary of PTSC wealth forever. However there is one good thing that should be considered in that Swartz is still interested in the company. He knows more than all of us thanks to Mr. Johnson and other connections which indicates they see more $$ in the coffers of PTSC. His interest significantly improves my morale in that he would drop this like a hot potato if he saw nothing in the future for PTSC. The people who showed up at SHM is a tell tale sign. The real three amigos are Johnson, Pohl and Swartz, Perigrine Pharma directors. Gloria and Dr Falk are window dressing (this is in no way meant as derogatory to these people, especially Gloria who we heard from loud and clear but it is a fact in my opinion).

Mr. Henneman is a gem. Our future lies in his hands literally. His efforts to comply with and to prove the authenticity of the MMP to the PTO is our primary key to the success of our company.

In conclusion, dividends are something to consider strongly and is something I opposed in the past. If you own 100000 shares of PTSC and we get .02 cents dividend per quarter, it equals $8000. At the current share price it would equal a 50% dividend. In retrospect, we could have been getting this over the last 4 years.

Dividends causes, in my opinion, three dramatic things to occur:

(1) it would provide a real distinction on the OTC (which I don't believe we will ever get off of) as a penny stock providing a lucrative benefit to long term shareholders.

(2) it would force people to hold on to their shares instead of flipping as soon as say a 20% increase in the share price makes them trade. There would be a significant increase in morale for the long term shareholder as they are finally getting something for the years of frustration.

(3) we as shareholders would truly be getting something back, that may increase share price incrementally if this is not a one time thing but a quarterly dividend.

BIG O says "Have a nice day"

Remember, Dividends NEVER help the flipper, they are their worst enemy because of the 3 things I described above. If a stock goes up incrementally, you get out of the syndrome of sell on the perceived high and buy when you think it has bottomed and the trader can predict that it must go down. The dividend will provide the incentive to stat with PTSC. Of course this is all in my opinion.

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