Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: From Gloria: Date........March 14, 2010..........FWIW

Not interested in starting a BOD bashing discussion again, but you and SGE1 asked the question, so I'll respond to it. Why now is easily responded to:

  • 13+ cents / shr
  • Interim CEO....again!
  • 5 CEO's in 6 years
  • Squandering of Company resources
  • Little qualification on BOD for market sector - Does PTSC even HAVE a market sector?
  • Barring giving up 50% of MMP ownership to kick start revenue generation, No record of success...NONE.....
  • Because they are still there!!!
  • Poor Stewarship
  • Miniscule ownership in company.
  • so many more reasons

I think the better question to ask is WHY NOT NOW?! What are they doing that is all of a sudden going to create success?! Admitting mistakes?! They continue to make them. Hiring consultants?! Is this a great act of wisdom? Trying to sell assets? They've admiitted the assets have been impaired.

I mean REALLY! Because they admitted they've made mistakes, and contrary to what SGE poses, they HAVE thrown out excuses, (re-exams, Goerner, name recognition, etc.). Because they've asked NICELY for more time? Have they?! Gloria has sent a private e-mail to one investor that we know of. I haven't heard a peep out of CJ, Falk, Schrock, etc.

Why NOW is because they should have stepped down long ago, and while posting here doesn't accomplish the task, their hubris, arrogance, and complete disregard for doing what's best and instead doing what's best for them EARNS them all the pressure, criticism and vocalization of dissatisfaction with them that can be mustered, here, and everywhere. You may think that it doesn't help our investment, and short term you may be right, but Falk, Felcyn, Johnson, and now Schrock have hurt our investement for a long many years, and for that there is no time like the present to criticize them and remind them of it.

And the sick comical sadness of it all is some peoplel like ccraider will think this is some kind of signal that I'm trying to drive the stock lower so I can buy some more. How sick is that!?

Why NOW.....Because they need to LEAVE so our investments can have a prayer of appreciating. That's why.

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