Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: From an Electronic Engineer regarding "I know what I own"

You wrote:

"Soon the time to stop churning the stock will be over, if its not already."

Not sure what you mean by that, but I'd hardly characterize less than 1/10th of 1 pct of shares traded on and average daily basis as churning. I think the trading action reflects no interest from buyers or sellers, and thus anemic volume.

"Had I listened to those bunch, I would have taken a serious loss."

As one who has been vocally critical of management and the BOD, I imagine I'm in your "bunch". However, I don't think I've ever told anyone they should sell, nor can I remember anyone here recommending anyone sell their shares, so why would you have sold yours?

"You have to believe in what you own, you have to speak the best of what you own... who ever heard of parents bashing their own kids?"

In a sense, I have, and so have you. Regardless of their party allegience or political ideologies, do you think American citizens who are opposed to the politicians who hold office should just be quiet and never voice their concerns over the policies and rhetoric of those officials? Should they do that because of the GREAT PROMISE and POTENTIAL that they know the USA singularly holds, thanks to the foresight of the Founders, and the great opportunities with which we've been blessed? Or should they be critical when they disagree, working to change things, knowing that the USA has that great promise and that they feel strongly that the politicians and their policies are what will endanger Her realizing Her FULL POTENTIAL?

Is it that constant dialogue in the USA that protects our Country from abusive rule, or is it the only once or twice stated criticism that brings about change. If you read history, and even particularly the founding days of the nation, you'll find that despite what we think today as being abnormally partisan polarized debate, the truth is it has been contentious from the very beginning, and consistently throughout our history. I don't think the Country is worse off for it, nor do I think that it has deterred people from coming here. Rather, it's that honest and hard looking criticsm that has improved the Country, and will help Her self correct when things stray off line.

Why would anyone who is confident in the MMP worry about criticism of PTSC? Why would anyone who is critical of PTSC, by extension be assumed to not see the potential in the MMP? Why complain about posters who bring accurate criticism or praise about PTSC or the MMP, and harping about the same song and dance day after day, month after month, year after year, when the three main BOD members have stewarded the company (with the exception to one brief moment in 2006) to a return on our investment that is non-existent, despite taking in millions in revenue, and they have done so day after day, month after month, and year after year, changing everything around them, EXCEPT THEMSELVES.

Give people a little bit of credit, they're more intelligent than you seem to imply. I'm sure posters here and readers not from here come here, read, and understand that there is tremendous potential, and yet tremendous limitation with PTSC. And they realize that neither of those things emanate from this discussion board. That potential and those limitations come solely from what PTSC owns, and how PTSC is managed, and if that can't be discussed here, what's the point of the forum?

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