On one hand you are correct...we need a USPTO deicision. But our BOD, or some members, were the ones that agreed with the master, and commericalization agreements that gave far too much power to TPL. Which by the way, at the time, was the only enity with no ownership of the MMP. While they were in their stealth mode they managed to steal ownweship from Moore.Now they are working on us. At the least, our board had to, or should have known that being muzzled by TPL would cause enlightenment problems for investors which certainly would not help the share price. Now they realize TPL's game plan was to short sell the MMP to create a market for their portfolios. More cash for them less for us and slowly drain our resources to gain control of the MMP, or so it seems. But, since I as an investors am kept completly in the dark, I can only assume the worst of motives. Why else would I be left in this state? Oh, maybe it is so the other infringers don't know how much a license is being sold for so TPL can get the maxium of a discounted price. How has that been working for the last three years?