Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Please Read E-mail from/to investor relations

Fri, June 11, 2010 11:28:30 AM

Re: Patriot Scientific Investor

To: investor relations

Excuse me! Is there a veiled threat somewhere in your e-mail below? If you are so aware of your investor communication needs and responsibilities why then did Gloria Felcyn, a board member, take the liberty of writing to one credible investor and candidly say "If we see no progress or evidence of success at approaching 120 days, we will most likely sell PDSG." Do you not understand the magnitude of such a statement for investors, who through formal communication channels, were told that PTSC expected to derive most of its future revenue from PDSG.

Furthermore you stated below that your decision to defer making statements has been deliberate and in the best interest of shareholders. Did Ms. Felcyn get the memo on this one?

You can't begin to appreciate my desire to seek information about PTSC by going outside of formal communication channels, simply because of the lack of formal communication, not to mention the share price. You seem to be very defensive about my asking questions which immediately throws up red flags for me, as this is extremely odd behavior for a company, and I think most would agree with me.

I am a full time homemaker and investor who has a lot of time to ask a lot of questions. Whatever questions I ask, I always post the response, on agoracom, for all investors to see, as I will with this e-mail. I for one am sick of reading your cut and paste formal communications with the same old non proven promise about returning value to shareholders. Prove it.

From: Investor Relations <>
To: XXXXXXXSent: Fri, June 11, 2010 8:34:32 AM
Subject: FW: Patriot Scientific Investor

Dear Ms. XXXXX,
Please be advised that the Company is acutely aware of its investor communication needs and responsibilities, and expects to make announcements regarding its business issues in the near future when more complete information can be presented on pertinent topics. Please also understand that our decision to defer making statements to date has been deliberate, which we believe to be in the best long term interests of all shareholders, even though this may not satisfy the immediate expectations of some individuals such as you. While we can appreciate your desire to obtain information outside of formal communication channels, you may not fully appreciate the consequences in the event your efforts cause you to be in receipt of material non-public information. We would urge you to avoid the potential for any such conflicts and allow yourself to remain on equal footing with all shareholders when it comes to information that has yet to be released by the Company.

Patriot Investor Relations

From: Laurie

Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 5:38 PM
Subject: Patriot Scientific Investor

Hi Kim,

It was a pleasure speaking to you by phone today. As I indicated, I am an investor in PTSC. At present, our stock price is sitting at around $.09. There are many shareholders who feel the pain right now as we wait for news regarding the future of PTSC from our board of directors.

I know that PDSG products were showcased at a recent conference in Atlanta. We were hoping for news regarding how well received the products were. I called Ken Blakeman of PDSG earlier this week and he flat out told me that he was not at liberty to discuss.

I have written to PTSC on more than one occasion as have many other investors, asking them for transparency on what is happening with the company in general. So far, we have heard nothing. If we could at least have some positive or hopeful news of a bright future for PDSG that would go a long way for shareholders. Howevever, I'm afraid that many investors will continue to lose large sums of money until the BoD can do something to increase shareholder value.

Thanks for your time,


Jun 11, 2010 03:59PM
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