Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Please Read E-mail from/to investor relations

With their refusal to respond with substance to any questions put to them, Patriot Investor Relations "Ghost" seems to be implying PTSC is in a "quiet period". That they do so not only on the PDSG front, but on the MMP front, not even responding to questions on the outcome of public court proceedings. They essentially state there is material unreleased information to be had. That they state its in the "best long term interests" of shareholders suggests in the short term, the market will view whatever undisclosed developments there are as negative. That, they further suggest that Laurie be careful to not find out material undisclosed info before other shareholders, IMO, cannotes a Martha Stewart type scenario whereby if she did, she'd likely sell, giving her a leg up on the rest of us shareholders.

Personally, I won't be surprised to find out that this BOD and Management team sold PDSG for dimes or pennies on the dollar to HP or someone similar to preserve cash to fight and fund the MMP legal battles with TPL and infringers, and to prolong their ability to draw a paycheck. Nor would it surprise me to hear they've sold some portion of their interest in the MMP to someone who can help them prosecute infringement in place of TPL, and perhaps in competition with TPL.

Clearly, I'm speculating on this, but it goes back to the idea that silence from a public company is rarely a positive. Many here derided my speculation that when Baroni was hired that I thought PDSG was in play in some fashion, yet we've learned that to be true. As I've mentioned before, I can't think of a deal this BOD has cut, whereby PTSC came out as well or better than the other party to the transaction, and this e-mail seems to imply that the market may see whatever is yet to be announced similarly. Is there anything this company has done for us that would instill any confidence that they will have done better?

As Laurie so perfectly stated, "PROVE IT". Until they can, and with all due respect to those who want to blame the USPTO, our company's MANAGEMENT and DIRECTORS are the sole reason we're at 9 cents, and based on my read of this e-mail, seemingly likely to go lower before and if we go up.

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