Each of us must evaluate all of the information available to us and decide for ourselves if the BoD is responsible for the failures of this company. They hired the CEOs, fired the CEOs, gave unbelievable severance packages, etc. then say they are not to blame for the bad decisions of the CEOs they hired. I say rubbish (actually....what I really said would be a violation on this board) Optik, you are not convinced and that is fine.
Gloria is a member of the BoD and in her own words,,,,,if all we are left with is the MMP (because PDSG disappears) then overhead will be cut by 80% and board members will be cut. Her words not mine......
I applaud all those who have made an effort to contact the USPTO whether by phone, mail, fax, pony express or smoke signals. I am not qualified to interpret financials or any of the business transactions, BoD appointments, etc., to know if there are conflicts of interest, of if the BoD has failed us in some legal way. The question is, if the answer is yes, then wouldn't you want to know and do something about it?
I don't have the solutions...wish I did. I do, however, want to know if the BoD is in violation of any law, SEC rule etc. How can so many continue to blindly trust and not question the people in charge of PTSC when actions are promised and never kept.