Why is it that some other companies update their shareholders with respect to the patent re-exam process. Some even create blogs.
Why is it that our BOD can communicate in private to shareholders, and provide non-public information, yet now that they've done so, you don't belieive they should provide any updates about that communication. Why is it that the company can provide information at the SHM about it's status and plans, but now must remain silent about them?
Why is it that the company can issue PR's about it's lawsuits with TPL and now must remain silent? Why is it that the company can issue PR's indicating dates when it plans to argue against provisional orders, and now mustn't provide any update about those arguments, or hearing outcomes?
There may be rules that govern what can and can't be said by a company, but those rules are NOT the rules that prevent PTSC from communicating with its shareholders. PTSC is doing so by choice, not by requirement. Their corporate communication strategy has been so inconsistent, and by the comparative standards of other companies, simply poor. Couple their poor management and strategic decisions with the inconsistent and weak at best commnunication model they've followed, and that's why we're revisiting the teens and single pennies price. Heap on an extended USPTO process, and that's why we REMAIN here.
To justify their relative silence by using their overall inconsistent and poor communication strategy as a reason, is to tacitly approve of their inaccountabilty to you, me, and the rest of the shareholders. The company and the shareprice we deserve is what we have, and based on what we know, there're LESS of it today than there was this time last month, or the month before that, etc.