Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: ease, lambert ........

"The repetition of the BOD failures is annoying."

Couldn't agree more, and would add that it's been disastrous for the pps. Not the posting of it, but the continued repetitious failure itself.

As for the posting of it, as long as posters repetitively excuse PTSC's performance as out of the BOD's control, or support it by saying no one could have done better, then expect that the counter perspective to be presented.....every time, as the facts support it.

As for a plan, you seem to search for the hidden and overlook the obvious. For starters, and this has been stated repeatedly:

  • challenge the TPL deal so that it provides fairness and control for PTSC;
  • initiate a plan that allows PTSC to be able to market the MMP on its own, if the former isn't accomplished;
  • preserve resources by cutting discretionary spending, like BOD pay, and management salaries and bonuses, tying them to performance - perception is as much at play as resources in this;
  • communicate professionally, proactively, and competently with the public and the market; add BOD talent aligned with the company mission and shareholders, and NOT with it's past problems;
  • identify, plan for, execute on, and provide and communicate measurable metrics that show your progress in achieving predictable revenues and how you plan to grow them

These are just a few basics, and despite nearly 5 years of opportunity, and several years of signs they are clearly needed, this BOD has been unable to accomplish ANY of these basic business keys to success.

You and many seem to repeatedly ignore these "plans". Many still expect that this BOD can accomplish these things. Many on the other hand for some time have realized that either by intent, or incompetence, this BOD is not able to, and have attempted to organize enough shareholders to begin the process that can facilitate a change of personnel that can accomplish basic business tasks. For that, they are disparaged, mocked, and suspected of ulterior motivation.

Perhaps to an extent that's justfied since we still have the same BOD smugly rewarding themselves, and disdainfully ignoring shareholders. However, in many ways, those shareholders who have tried are tasked with something akin to herding cats from an open plain into a small corral. Meanwhile, the BOD has the luxury of already being in the corral and having the key to the gate.

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