It is clearly stated on every Schedule 14A what action is required should shareholders wish to makle proposals.
Every year, there is also another option, with an earlier deadline, for example
Under certain circumstances, stockholders who qualify under applicable SEC rules are entitled to have us include stockholder proposals in our proxy statement for presentation at a meeting of stockholders. We intend to hold our next annual meeting of stockholders in October 2010. A qualifying stockholder who desires to have his or her proposal included on our proxy card and included in our proxy statement for the next annual meeting of stockholders must submit such proposals to us in writing no later than June 1, 2010. Proposals received by us after such date will be considered untimely. Stockholder proposals should be directed to the attention of the Corporate Secretary, addressed as follows: Patriot Scientific Corporation, Mr. Clifford L. Flowers, Corporate Secretary, 6183 Paseo Del Norte, Suite 180, Carlsbad, CA 92011. The submission of a proposal does not guarantee that it will be included in the proxy statement or proxy. Stockholder proposals are subject to certain regulations and requirements under the federal securities laws
Given the number of shares pledged for the letter campaigns, organized by ronran, I have no idea as to why this hasn't translated into positive action to remedy the perceived shortfalls of the current BoD.
Perhaps, it will be different this year?
Be well