Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: More from Stan Caplan

You have had my support and continue to have it now.

Re: radioactive / Re: ease, lambert ........

posted on Jul 08, 10 05:50PM Use the IP Check tool [?]

“I wonder how a replacement BoD would address this most admirable basic business key, come to that, how any BoD could achieve it:”

If any board is powerless to achieve anything, I might as well have one I trust.

For me the arguments terms are misstated.It is not who can or cannot accomplish business goals.I simply no longer TRUST the current BOD and want them removed.

In my investing life I was always reminded that you are never buying a business, you are always buying its management.

English Parliament, I think, has a political device to change parties due to dissatisfaction called a “Vote of no Confidence”.

I am in that camp and will vote for anyone from the outside.

By way of example:

1)“Throw the bums out”.As I recall, PTSC Bylaws have the effect that all standing for election will be elected unless there are more nominees then available seats.So the secrete then becomes to have more nominees so that we may “Power Vote” for our block of candidates Find good persons from among us (or outside) who will stand for election within the following values.

a.If not possessing significant qualifications for the position, “I” will serve in a care taker position (simply having dislocated a standing BOD member and will protect the interests of the common shareholder to the best of my ability) until a more qualified individual stands for election, at which time I will resign.

b.“I” will serve without great compensation (or act in concert w/ others elected) to reduce compensation to “reasonable” levels.

2)The peasants stormed the Bastille to gather arms and gunpowder before moving on Versailles.The largest shareholders are our gunpowder.We are the masses, armed only with our power to vote.We must encourage significant shareholders to organize and fund the project (on the premise that BOD changes really do enhance the future value of PTSC and the follow-on $ increase, net of expenses, is proportionally largest for the largest shareholders.)

a.Just as a lack of confidence is demonstrated by a BOD member failing to buy stock in the retail market, so is a lack of confidence in an action such as this demonstrated by large stockholders unwilling to band / rally together and organize change for their benefit.Heck, when successful I suspect there are ways to recover these one time expenses from the company and THAT would NOT be any worse then the present set of unending expenses which have failed to produce value.

i.I also think that any attempt at organizing / gaining consensus from the “masses” is doomed.The project should be the UNILATERAL action of 3 to 7 or so people.As has been stated by several in the past “just do it”; or tell us you won’t so we can kill this discussion.

3)Completely and unwaveringly support their outside candidates by casting votes for all our shares in support.

4)Our time has past this year, so as my Hebrew friends say perhaps “Next year in Jerusalem”

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