What a great story PTSC is!
After three years of uncertainty regarding our most important patent and the final victory in this process we now have two candidates claiming they can make a change and increase shareholder value...hahihahohahu!
I'll tell both of you something (backed up with more than twentytwo years of business experience - 15 years with my own company and up to more than 30 employees):
- None of you both can change anything with this business = IP-licensing.
- None of you both can improve shareholder communications in this environment (TPL is the slightest problem, it's the IP-business itself).
- None of you both can increase shareholder value, unless you could bring Apple, IBM and Microsoft to the negotiation table and sell all of them a license for $250mio EACH.
As cryptic the IP-business is communications wise as simple it is business wise:
1. You need a 1.000% solid/water-proof patent (we are on the way to this)
2. you need a strong and skilled legal and technical organization to convince the infringing companies (remember TPL?)
3. and then you need a huge victory in court or some great license deals you are able to announce.
That's it, nothing more.
Now you both tell me again:
How exactly do you plan to increase shareholder value?