Excellent post. Thought provoking.
My thoughts are that we are in battle with him in court. First, get our 2M back or an iron clad agreement that we get it back. Second, based on his underhanded dealings with working his patents leveraging the MMP, which is now stopped, that PTSC get a better deal in the Sharing Agreement with NDA and other areas that would make it a fair playing field.
Chuck Moore, with his credibility, would have been a much better partner but he evidently signed deals with DL that cut his throat. Lecky as he threw up in the PR has Alliasense, a valuable asset. At this point, PTSC is doing something but understandably, until we can discover through court documents and PR's that a new arrangement has been made we know nothing. The BOD aka Carlton Johnson is the player that is working how to deal with DL. How CJ handles this is the key IMO. If he is successful, his value will go way up in my eyes.
Thanks for your comment.