"I suggest we put together a very small fund (either now or after the current re-exam request is settled) and find out from a pro."
This info should be provided free of charge from our company. The real problem this stock has, and always will have, is why our company is not forthcoming with information. What is really troulesome is that now it seems natural to ask for contributions for something that should be provided for free. As if this is now a totally acceptable situation. We are not dealing with the CIA. There is nothing top secret that has to be kept from us. It is a planned situation created for failure. This is why I have always had suspicions that "the fox is (or was) in the hen house". As time goes by my suspicions are only re-enforced, not relieved. We have an innovative, revolutionary product with vast infringment and here we sit at .11. It just has to be planned that way.