The 8k says, "Effective September 14, 2010, Patriot Scientific Corporation (the “Registrant”) settled its outstanding arbitration and litigation with Deutsche Bank (the “Bank”). Under the terms of the Confidential Settlement Agreement, the Registrant transferred $5.2 million in illiquid auction rate securities instruments to the Bank in exchange for the payment of a substantial portion of the face value of the securities, and if the instruments are redeemed by a certain date, then the Registrant we will receive the full face amount of the instruments.
Knowing the BoD and their very artful use of words, I would interpet this as they exchanged 5.2 million in securities (that would be the face value?) for a substantial portion of that face value thereof. I wonder if 51% would be substantial in the BoDs opinion? IMO substabtial would be at least 85%. Also I have yet to see a confidential agreement made by us that was in our favor. Is there an SEC or legal definition of substantial?
good luck
(I) C. W.