Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Commercialization Agreement

remember fish is listed on the patents as well as moore. we paid fish cash that is what he requested. moore can only own as much as fish. which i believe since the court case would be half of 50%. now saying that how can tpl get half with patriot, must have been some kind of fuzzy math. iagree moore shold read agoracom. we would welcome him he is a fine man,just let greed get him i suppose or a complete con job. but in no way should we get involed with any of his technology, we almost went broke finishing our shboom making the actual chips 5 micronreducing it several times to .015 market ready, unable to sell co was too small nobody trusted us but they sure used our technology

as far a cj he has brought us a lot of excessive baggage. who knows what skeletons are buried with him es and our board. he has of lately shown courage of righting a wrong that should have never happened. why they made this avoidable mess we probably at this level never find out. cj and cliff flowers are going to have to have the power to finish it. cliff in my opinion is very capable but that leaves our board i sure wish somebody would purchase some stock instead of just taking the big bucks. after all this is over then maybe cj should step aside or prove he is more than an arm of es who if we are not careful may just be hanging around for new financing

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