There may not have been a source. It could have been bad aggregating by Reuters. Happens when you have computer programs trying to be journalists.
Note this PR from yesterday from First Busey:
Capital: At the end of the third quarter of 2010, both the bank and the holding company continued to meet the capital adequacy requirements to be well capitalized under the regulatory guidance. Our capital has improved gradually as our earnings improve.
On October 29, 2010, we will pay a cash dividend of $0.04 per common share to stockholders of record on October 26, 2010.
We thank our associates for their efforts, our customers for their business and you, our stockholders, for your continued support of Busey.
That is almost verbatim what was in the bad Reuters story today. I have no idea how BUSE would get mixed up with PTSC but it's a possibility when, like I said, you don't have anyone editing and you just let programs aggregate.