your post and ads are both respected are we to be silent i admit first i don't have a plan wish i did. with that said i can't stop comparing our board with our new sister co or affiliate. 150 million equity financing for groundwork permits etc for a nuclear power plant. no construction or building a power grid for it. that must be billions o f shares we were lucky. dollars for current share price sound fimiliar, will gloria be a bod member over there. millions for financing es cj . from the posting on yahoo their cast of characters closely resemble ptsc. i guess we just keep quiet let a funding plan created by our bosses take over another co. personally i think it should't exist. you will not stop laughing at what their posts and expectations are currently. definetely deja vu. my view
maybe we should buy just one share of aehi and show up at their shareholder meeting i am sure they would be happy to accomodate us and our questions