heard a song last night i have not heard in years
life could be a miracle sh-boom sh-boom
immediately helmut falk sr. came to my mind his genious has many accomplishment the better for the planet he knew those lyrics
now almost immediately after his passing the vultures dived in with their greed and evil and prophesy to take the last dime out of ptsc.
then it came to me and it takes a lot with the virtual meeting why not invite a huge virtual pillsbury dough boy or a giant virtual sta puft marshmallow. with all the slime at that virtual meeting they would be able to move part of disneyworld to their virtuoso meeting.
again if that fails a virtual exorcism could be in order, maybe even the bod would be sold on it start a virtual exorcism co for their friends and disappear. the marketing would be endless
life could also be a dream sh-boom sh-boom thanks helmut you did your part