I agree with your primary focus on MMP value at this time. I also keep an eye on (or try to) evolution toward an operating entity in the software interconnectivity/security space. This area presents HUGE possibilities. But, can PTSC execute?
Share price now and in future ultimately depends on a discounted cash flow of future earnings. Right now we - and Mr. Market - have little idea of what they might be (i.e., no information re MMP cash flow structure: are they one-offs, royalty streams, or both?). So prediction of PTSC cash flows are hugely variable, prompting me to regard most recent share price variation (say, within a +/- 50% range around $0.10) as mostly speculative noise.
BUT, to the extent that company PRs along the line that "Reexam victories continuing to strengthen MMP" portfolio are accurate, and other factors are manageable (adequate operating cash, stabilizing TPL relationship, no further dilutions, fairly accurate accounting, no outright fraud against common shareholders, etc., etc.), I remain a net buyer, not a seller.