I had decided not to post here... However I am having second thoughts on this...
MANY MANY TIMES we have discussed this with Marktthe Quantum Case.. yet repost FUD...You and Century think you can convince him .. he does not want to be convinced... he wants to post FUD... I will make this easy.. Please read IAM REPOSTING THIS FOR THE UPTIENTH (UPTIETH TIME= way to many!!) please remove his post .. please take some action....
Quanta bought chipsets and incorporated them into computers that it resold to customers. This is analogous to buying a book from a bookstore, and then selling it later on eBay. The Supreme Court ruling determined that due to the terms of the agreements between LG and Intel, Quanta was authorized to resellLG and Intel, Quanta was authorized to resell the Intel-sourced chipsets as part of the computer system marketed by Quanta, just as someone can resell a book on eBay.