Your expectations continue to be unrealistic. Why on earth would the BOD inform their shareholders about interim steps along the way to a potential final resolution in any case that PTSC is a party to, when in so doing they would be complicating the entire process?
You should never expect anything more than silence or the occasional "negotiations are continuing, we are hopeful that all parties will reach a satisfactory resolution soon".
Don't take my word for it. Do some DD on other companies embroiled in lawsuits and/or possible settlement negotiations and let us know how forthcoming they are. However-I can save you the trouble. They are not forthcoming in any meaningful way that you seem to be expecting here. You are naive to think so. Ron should and could straighten you out here but - then - it doesn't fit the BOD bashing scrip. Does it?
You know what I think? I think you are conveniently overlooking this blatant problem under the guise of some hoped-for level of disclosure that will be meaningful because your real intent as is the intent of LL and Ron here is to continue to frame the BOD in a negative light.
Even LL's latest "Positive" post is yet another snide shot at the board.
Same as it ever was.