Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: PTSC Future - Litigation and MMP value/ease/SGE

Also recognize that is was recently discovered that there are likely not just "thousands" of potential infringers, buy more likely tens of thousands (recognizing that TI, alone, has 80,000+ customers for their chips, at least one series of which we claim infringes).

How long will it take at the rate we are going to license infringers that wont pay and don't want to pay? How many can be brought to trial in the time frame? How long has it taken on the T3 battle alone? We are having a tough time licensing 10 companies. Realisticly getting thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of infringers to license the MMP before the patents expire is imo now a pipe dream. About the best we can hope for imo now is a large settlement in court. The question is does our side have the guns, both lawyers and funding to take on big corporations with huge resources and the best lawyer talent money can buy and win? IMO most likely no based on the size of settlements, license amounts and the financial issues that are surrounding the three stooges that claim ownership to the patents to date. Don't get me wrong I would love to see it happen. When I was naive I thought it was possible but as time, events and actions or lack there of wear down the optimism, at the end of the day I have to say in the real world it wont happen. Lobbyists from these huge corporations have paid big bucks to our government officials to write laws to protect these large corporations. The little guy rarely wins. When a small company's sole income is based on patent infringement, the lack of financial resources and talent lacks and even though the patents may be great, in the end the patents alone are not enough to realize the expectations that a lot of us had coming into this. I think many of us had unrealistic expectaions of the BoD and management at PTSC as well and in the end there is a reason that this company remains a penny stock and most likely always will be until the money is all gone and the doors are closed. I hate to say it but I think this is the future of PTSC. So why do I hang around here? I've lost so much of my investment that I'm holding for a possible, though unlikely, large settlement in court that may allow me to recover a small portion of my investment. Unfortunately when that day comes there will be so much selling pressure as imo many will be looking to exit this thing for good.

Tick Tock Tick Tock

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