Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: @lambertsluncatic: Why is it

For starters, I need to correct my last post. I haven't been paying too much attention to PTSC of late and lost track of the fiscal year and thought there was actually still one month left. Time flies when you're having fun!

I should have noted that through the third quarter, there were EIGHT licenses signed and they brought in $8.85M in fees. The ninth I referenced was actually this past quarter's Stryker signing. With that in mind, $10M may or may not have been reached. We likely won't know unitil the 10-K filing. Nor will we likely know if any additional licenses were signed unless it's revealed in some PACER filing or in language from an PR that tallies up the total licenses.

As for it being chump change relative to what TPL and PTSC sold to the market, I agree with you there. However, on one hand you're mocking mine and others expectations of management and BOD because they're dummy penny stock managers & directors, yet on the other, you've bought into their spin regarding the MMP and citing it as the reason you invested, and their excuses as to why they've been challenged in getting more and more for MMP licenses. Seems quite inconsistent there.

As for the rest of what you post, it's simply excuses for poor performance. Most penny stocks don't take in over $130M in 6 years with little or no debt / expenses. Additionally, you readily admit their performance has been dismal, and you essentially call them dummies. Yet you attribute PTSC's problems to lawsuits and re-exams, when the entire time of the TPL / PTSC partnership, we've been in lawsuits with infringers, and for the last over 4 years, we've been in re-exams, yet over $305M in license fees were taken in while under one or the other, with over HALF of that coming while fighting BOTH.

And you seem to continue to expect that when and if the MMP becomes the revenue generator you seem to think it will, that these dummy penny stock managers and directors will magically become smart enough to again NOT get swindled out of our fair share. Or perhaps you believe there will be so much revenue that you'll be happy with WHATEVER portion PTSC manages to salvage for the company. In short, you seem to be doing the same thing you're admonishing me and others here for doing, lol.

I don't buy into your anthing goes / low-to-no expectations philosophy. And this IS a business any dummy can run. All it took was some proper stewardship, and fiduciary responsibility. Instead, we get every sorry excuse in the book from the company and from posters, instead of responsibility, management, and a plan.

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