Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: SGE what is your relationship with the BoD

This is a thread that we've never received an actual definitive answer from you. Can you please respond definitively? After reading my explanation below (above the ****** line that separates my post from the history of the question), please then read from the bottom up. Thanks in advance.

To be clear, I am not accusing you of any questionable activity, but trying to explore the BOD and management's actions. If there is truth to the BOD offering compensation to certain shareholders, then it opens the question to what exactly have their actions been with respect to that type of behavior/offers, and how has it affected their actions with respect to disclosure and dissemination of information.

I know I've personally sent numerous serious e-mails over the last 10 months that have gone completely ignored. Not even an acknowldegment of receipt saying that they can't answer. I also know that based on previous e-mails that did receive responses, that this is not a matter of them not receiving my e-mails. So, I know that my questions are being puprposefully ignored, as are many others' from what they've told me. In contrast, you post that you have had conversations directly with the CEO of the company, on multiple occassions.

From what you've explained about yourself, we are on equal footing with respect to PTSC - that is simply shareholders with no special relationship with the company other than to have had communications, in my case written, in your case verbal (though I assume possibly also written at times). I would ask of the company, why the unequal treatment? Additionally, why the possible offers of compensation to some, but not all?

This is a VERY IMPORTANT issue for me, in part for the following reason. I look at the trading on October 4th and see trading volume nearly SEVEN times higher than the average of the previous 3 weeks, and find that we have a settlement with TPL announced 3 days later. Based on that, it appears as though certain shareholders may have been privy to the settlemnent announcement earlier than others. Your answer is very important, as if you have been offered compensation, even if you refused, it points to the source of that information possibly coming from the company rather than from outside the company, by the engaging in possible questionable activity that may lead to violations of RegFD requirements.

Therefore, I hope, IN THE INTERESTS OF SHAREHOLDERS AND OF PTSC, you can respond definitively, with complete honesty, and with an understanding that my pursuit of a DIRECT UNQUALIFIED response, is not meant as an attack on you, but as a means to gain understanding of a very important question that is in the vital interests of ALL shareholders.


Question from me:

Is there a need to qualify it to " for promoting, defending, supporting, etc. per my post".

I know you can be a bit more prosaic in your posts at times, but in this instance, a black or white NO would be appreciated, if it applies.

Response from you:

No, PTSC has never offered to compensate me for promoting, defending, supporting, etc. per my post.

Question from me:

Her question was 2 fold. The frist being:

"Have you been offered pay, compensation (call it what you will) by Patriot? "

Your response stated that you've never been compensated, but it doesn't respond to whether PTSC has ever offered to compensate you. Please respond to that so that this issue can be put to bed. Thanks in advance.

Response from you:

In response to your second question (I thought you knew better! LOL): No, I have never been compensated in any way by PTSC to promote, defend, or otherwise support PTSC, the BoD, members of staff, affiliations, etc.

From l2007s:

Have you been offered pay, compensation (call it what you will) by Patriot? If so, when was the last time that you were paid and why were you paid?

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