What I story - and I believe every word of it.
Wen I was driving thru SF a few months back, I ventured to the other side of the GG bridge. Driving by San Quentin, I looked back on the beautiful view of the bay. Greatest scenery in the world.
I did however, detest the areas I had to drive through to get to the other side - run down , slummish and filled with rif-raff close to laying in the streets. The panhandlers throughout SF have a reputation for agression, and I`ve also heard they`re tough as nails...
The local radio station specializing in ``all news, all the time``, the focus is on the corrupt SF politics, Gay/Lesbian issues and liberal agendas (anit-Conservative, ect.....
Unfortunately, SF is one of the most gorgeous cesspools in the world, still worthy of a tourist destination, provided you know where to go....