Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: No more TPL + Alliacense logos on PTSC's website

Just curious.

There is lots of angry talk, scolding, blaming and lamenting but it is unclear if any here sees a real future for this stock.

Guess that if the BOD sees no reason to buy the stock then no one here should feel compelled to do so either.

No sense is throwing good money in after bad if those in charge won't risk a few hundred dollars so they can show they have skin in the game.

In that regard, heard an interview with Jim Collins (author of Good to Great) yestreday and he stated that he felt it was imperative that executives buy company stock with their own money and not just get in-the-money options given to them becuase they were nice folks. This is meant to assure that their fortunes and everone else's are tied to their collective efforts and performance. Lou Gerstner reportedly required this at IBM during his successful turn around effort in the early 1990s.

As to the current price of this stock, l had to chuckle at the opening bell sale of 20 dollars worth of stock (plus some likely broakerage fee) which brought the market cap for the company down almost 3 million dollars.

Pretty soon any bloke on the street with some spare change in their pocket will be able to buy this company. Might even be able to do a better job with running it based on what I have learned here over the last couple of months.

This appears to be a speculative stock with a disengaged BOD and some seemingly crazy holders on the sell side... unless those sellers know something of the future... or perhaps they are just enjoying the power they have over the angry and frustrated long term holders of this apparently once promising stock.

Good luck

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