That`s exactly why I wouldn`t live there. Common sense
to me. But I have to admitt it is a perfect opportunity
for the bottom feeders to make a living.
It might be a great, beautiful city, but you`re 7 to 15
feet below water level on the banks of the the biggest
river in the U.S. You got to know it is, or can happen.
If you`re willing to take a chance I don`t see how you should be able to sue. I don`t mind helping these individuals but they all lived there on a gamble.You`ll
never build anything that can compete with mother nature,
and if you have the audacity to build at a direct disadvantage, as New Orleans is, then the same results can be expected. How many insurance companies would provide
flood insurance in New Orleans. If you can`t get flood
insurance then there is probably a good likelyhood you`ll
see a flood.
So, who is to blame in this terrible catastrophy. Probably
some French guy who staked the place out 400 hundred years ago.