<The 10 and 20 day deadlines. Do these deadlines run concurrently and are they both run on calendar days ...or work days ?>
This has already been discussed The 10 day period for opposition is passed. The 20 day period is believed to expire on the 26th.
<What will happen first. Will the Markman ruling will be published, then the 20 day deadline for the ICs ? Or, the other way around ?>
They are totally independent of one another. Your guess is as good as any.
< if TPL fails to show infringement against Barco before the Markman Ruling is put out, Could TPLs failure influence the opinion of the judge ?>
I assume you mean influence the Markman. I seriously doubt it. And it shouldn't. I do not believe we had any problem with the ICs for HTC or Acer products, so there could be all kinds of logical reasons why we may not have a good handle on Barco's products. If the HTC and Acer ICs were also questionable, there might be reason to think differently.